3 in 1 High Quality Food Grade Silicon Pelvic Floor Exercises Training Vagina Tighten Flamingo Kegel Balls Set Sex Toys for Women

(1 customer review)


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Product details:

Welcome to a world of intimate delight with our 3-in-1 Flamingo Kegel Balls Set. These meticulously crafted female sex toys are designed to empower women on their journey to enhanced pelvic health, sensuality, and intimate well-being. Dive into a realm of pleasure, self-care, and empowerment as we explore this set of Kegel balls that offer more than just sensations—they offer a path to a healthier, more vibrant you.

  • Three Times the Empowerment: What makes this Kegel balls set truly exceptional is its versatility. With four distinct balls, each designed for different stages of your intimate wellness journey. You can tailor your experience to your needs. Whether you’re starting your pelvic floor exercises, seeking to tighten, or simply enhancing your sensuality, this set is your trusted companion.

  • Premium Quality and Safety: Crafted from high-quality, food-grade silicone. These Flamingo Kegel Balls ensure both safety and comfort during your wellness journey. They are easy to use, body-friendly, and perfect for women seeking to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, regain control, and embrace their sensuality with newfound confidence.

  • Holistic Wellness and Sensuality: Beyond the physical benefits, regular use of these Kegel balls can lead to a range of holistic benefits. Including heightened intimate sensations, improved control, and an overall sense of well-being. It’s not just a set of sex toys; it’s a journey to renewed self-confidence and empowerment.

  • Material:
    Silicone +ABS
    As Pictures Show
    As Pictures Show

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    1 review for 3 in 1 High Quality Food Grade Silicon Pelvic Floor Exercises Training Vagina Tighten Flamingo Kegel Balls Set Sex Toys for Women

    1. Carson

      You know how you tell a friend about a great restaurant or great TV show and they hate it? That’s why I NEVER recommend anything to my friends. Well, today I told my 65 year old BFF about this product. Yes, that is how AMAZING it is.

      My husband and I are going on a 7 day group trip on a bus that has no rest room. I told him that I didn’t think I could go because I have to go to the bathroom at least every half hour. When I get up in the morning there is a stream before I can get to the bathroom. If I’m out and about and have to go, it could be a disaster unless I find a bathroom quickly. I was wearing depends, but even those weren’t enough. Recently I realized that I can’t even wear depends anymore because the elastic at the legs causes problems rubbing on my leg all day, causing cuts and rashes that are painful for days on end.

      My husband found this and advised me to get it. It seemed a little silly to me, but I thought ‘what the heck’ and purchased it. The first day I could hold the lightest one for 2 minutes, no problem. The next day I tried holding it for 10 minutes and I could not even do that. I did sit down for a few minutes and it seemed to find a good place and I was able to hold it 10 minutes. Today is day 4, yes, DAY 4, and after using it for three days in a row for 10-15 minutes I am already able to get to the bathroom every single time without the feeling that I’m going to wet my pants. This evening I tried the second one and was able to hold it 9 minutes, then my husband started tickling me and it fell out. I WAS able to hold it, and hold in all the urine I was leaking out four days ago.

      I know this sounds crazy impossible, but it’s true! I have never been so satisfied with anything before in my life. I have vaginal atrophy and my doctor said I could not take hormones because of my health and I needed to just live with it. I did purchase an OTC progesterone cream, which I have been using with the weights, and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but these little weights are magnificent.

      They do not hurt going in, they do not hurt coming out, I was not sore at all, there are no bad side effects. Due to an insurance change I will not be going back to the old gynecologist, but I will be sure to tell my new one what a great product this is.

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